Slime Garden

A calm simulation game where you tend to your slimes


Mouse ClickSelect Berry / Give Berry / Plant Berry
Hold Down Left Mouse Button in PositionPing Slimes
Escape (Windows only)Close Game
F11 (Windows only)Toggle Fullscreen


Farm berries in your garden and feed them to your slimes!

When you take a berry from the bush it grew on and leave it on the earth, eventually it will grow into a new small bush.

If you give a berry to a slime, it will grow the slime. Baby slimes are blank canvases; depending on the type of berry you feed one, it will grow into either a green, blue, orange, or pink slime. Once you determine the slime's type, it can only grow by eating large enough berries of that type.

Once a slime is fully mature, it can mate with another fully mature slime to make a new baby slime! After mating, slimes will begin to decay and eventually die... only to be reborn and reincarnated as babies themselves!

Farm to your heart's content, making as many slimes as you can!


This game was developed for Trijam 72 with the theme Reincarnation.

The art was made by bobbyboi in under 3 hours total, and the programming & music was done by Gunnar Clovis in under 3 hours total, the time being broken up over the course of a day. Gunnar did not have time to implement sound effects.

The game also follows the Trijam 72 diversifiers:

  1. Share the source code of your project;
  2. Make a game with slimes.


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I really like the music and the art style. Really relaxing.

Thank you :)